LEVER & SHAFT fits the following models and components:

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP TJ200TXCEA 1989 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200WTPLS 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PLCCE 1988 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXCED 1989 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PLAED 1989 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TXCEA 1989 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXCCR 1988 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200WPXSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200WPXEES 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200WPXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1992 J225PLENR CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1992 J225TLENR CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1992 VJ200SLENS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1992 VJ225PLENR CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225CZATS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J200TXETD CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J200CZATF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1992 J200CXENE CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 VJ225TXETF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 VJ225PLETF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 VJ225PXETA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 VJ200SLETC CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1992 VJ225TLENR CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225TXATS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1994 J200STLERR CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1994 J200TZERK CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1994 J225CXARK CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225PXETF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225TXATF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225STLEUD 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TXEDE 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TZECS 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP RJ225VXSSS 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP SJ225TXEUD 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TZEDE 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP RJ225PLSSR 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP RJ225HLSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 20HP BJ200CXEEB 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXEUD 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXEOB 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225CXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225CXSSR 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225VXSSS 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXEUA 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXEOC 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200PXSSC 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200CXEDR 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200PXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200PLSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200PLEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200SLECE 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP RJ200VXSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TXENE 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225CXEEC 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200SLEUB 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 VJ225TZETA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1994 J200CXERK CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1994 J200TZARK CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J200TXETF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J200CZATS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PLERK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TXERM 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TLERM 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225STLERK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXERM 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PZARK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXARK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXATS 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1996 SJ200WTPLA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1997 SJ200WTPLS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP SJ225CXECS 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP SJ225CXEDE 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP RJ225PXSSR 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225VCXSSS 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TXENR 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225HPLEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXEDE 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXENR 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 250HP RJ250CXSSS 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 250HP RJ250VZSSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 250HP J250VXSSS 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 250HP J250PZECD 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 250HP J250CZECD 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 250HP J250PZEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TXERK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXARC 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200PXEEB 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200STLETC 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TXARK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200PLEEB 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CZETF 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CZERS 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CZETA 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXETF 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225VCSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TZEOB 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TXESS 1990 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TZARK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TZETD 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TXECS 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225VXSSS 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP RJ225CXSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP VJ200SLENS 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225HPLEES 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225HPLSIF2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PLERM 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXATF 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225STLETF 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PZEOB 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PZATS 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225PXESS 1990 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TLESS 1990 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225PZATF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225CZETA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1990 VJ225PXESS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1990 VJ225TLESS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200PLSSC 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXEEC 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CZECS 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CZEOB 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225VXSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225PXSSR 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225PXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200STLENS 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200PXEEB 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CZEOC 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXEEB 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200STLECE 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200PXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200PXSSC 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200VLSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200SLEDM 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP RJ200PXSSC 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200CXECM 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TZEOC 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TXEDR 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1999 J200WPXEES CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225PZETA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225PLETA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 VJ225PZETF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1994 J225STLERC CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200TXECM 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200TXEUA 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP VJ225PLENR 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP VJ200TXENE 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200VCXSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP RJ200PLSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200VXSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225PLEEC 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225PLEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP BJ225PLSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXSSR 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CZEUD 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200CXEEN 1999 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200CXSSE 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP BJ200VXSIF 2001 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXSSE 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200STLEOA 1995 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200STLEUB 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TLECM 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 185HP J185ESXENR 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200WTPXA 1996 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TLCED 1989 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1990 VJ200TXESM CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1991 VJ225PXEIC CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1990 J225TLASS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1990 J200TXESM CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1990 J225PLESS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1990 J225TXESS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP VJ225PXETF 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TLETF 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP VJ200SLESE 1990 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CZATS 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXEIC 1991 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CZARK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225CXERK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXATF 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXEIB 1991 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CXERK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200CZARK 1994 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200TZATS 1993 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225TZETA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J200STLETF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J200TZETF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225CXETA CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J225PXATF CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by Year 1993 J200CXATS CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200WTPXS 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP SJ200WTPXG 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200WPXSSC 2000 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TLCCE 1988 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TLAED 1989 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP J225TXCED 1989 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 200HP J200STLCCM 1988 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP VJ225PXENR 1992 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP SJ225CXEUD 1997 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP SJ225NZECC 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Johnson Outboard Parts by HP 225HP SJ225NXECC 1998 CYLINDER & CRANKCASE

Notice: Not all related fitment is currently available.